Thursday, January 3, 2013

January 3, 2013

From my Out Journal today:

JOURNAL OUT: January 3, 2013

I'll begin four full days out starting tomorrow! Mo wants some relief from my living here in Glenwood Coffee & Books–and she needs space, time, room in her head to figure out all her plans and layouts for the New Year. She also needs some relief from worrying about me all the time. She worries a bad 'un will break into this retail store, little dreaming someone lives herein, and she will arrivetop find me dead on the floor, my head bashed in. She looks me over and owrries I'm tired and worn out. That the punk rock music she brings in is driving me crazy . . .
     "Mo," I tell her, "I'm fine. I'm happy. I;m content. All is well. Don't worry!"
     She worries.
     "Mo, what can I do?"
     "You can go away," she says, in years. And she asks me to leave, just for a few days, so she can "get on with it."
     Of course I say, "Fine," although I'm a little shocked. She loves me, she worries about me, so she wants me to get lost?
     What will I tell my friends? Of course they'll all assume Mo can't stand me, maybe I grabbed her ass, and she made me go away!
     "The landlord is doing some rennovations," I tell my friends, "I have to move out for several days."
     "What will become of Glenwood the Cat?" they want to know.
     "Uh? Well, uh, Mo is taking care of Glenwood," I say inspired.
     My fellow Unitarian congregants, The Minkoffs, Craig and Lyn, are nice enough to take me for four days and four nights, January 4-5-6-7.
     I'll miss banging away on my computer in all these journals I'm in the midst of. Fortunately, I only yesterday completed printing another one, Occupy Journal so I can take that with me and begin sewing it. One hundred copies, first printing. It will take half a week of solid sewing.
     And I have a book I want to read, Feminist Politics and Human Nature by Alison M. Jaggar, a forgotten book written after the fabulous 1970s decade, when intellectual women were still activists, revolutionaries, artists, in there! Now, of course, all those Second Wavers are conservative as hell, making hay in Academia–behaving just like palominos instead of mules.*
     Alison M. Jaggar–I wonder what became of her?–was a professor of philosophy, and the Political Science gurus wouldn't let her teach a course in "political theory," telling the Dean of Arts & Sciences she must stick to Philosophy and leave "Theory" to The Political Science Department. So she published her "course," and it's a good one, in which she codifies the first decade of feminist theory into four ideologies: liberal feminism; traditional Marxism; radical feminism; and socialist feminism. She quite properly decides that socialist feminism was the best option, but of course by now we know that feminists and Feminism opted for the worst, "liberal feminism." Probably Dr. Jagger did, too!!!
* "At first the two burros had tried to find the mule who had told them, back on the farm, about the benefits due them, thinking that there was something they had not understood, or, perhaps, some further effort they might make in order to achieve them. But they did not find the mule and one of their neighbors told them that he had been made Minister of Education. And one evening, on his way from his daytime to his night-time job, the father had seen the mule coming down the steps of some government building, carrying a calfskin briefcase and dressed in a silk suit–looking, in fact, just like a palomino."
Teo Savory, "Little Brown Burros," from A Clutch of Fables (Greensboro: Unicorn Press, 1977), page 26

 Say, here's a handmade Christmas Card, my friend and fellow Occupier, Kate, sent me last week. Pretty neat, just like Kate herself!

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