Wednesday, April 17, 2013

April 17, 2013
from Another Publishing Journal

That’s a scan of the first copy of Unicorn Press’s (and my) book,
Robert Smithson. A memoir. Well, it was supposed to be a scan, but I've forgotten how to crop scans that I import into my blog, so I can't include it, alas.
      I’ve boxed in an email I just sent Dr. Tim Martin, whose email to me a couple of months ago launched the Smithson project (in smaller type below).
Meanwhile, Paul Vavack emailed me that I Mustn’t mention Maureen “Mo” Kessler anymore in my blogs. He’s sure it will prejudice the Mediation he and Kate Dunnagan are planning for the reconciliation between Mo and I (former partners). Paul had some serious surgery but yesterday went back to work.


Progress! Sent Copy # 1 to Nancy Holt. Have another dozen all set to go. How many do you want? They're $18 apiece. (Numbered/signed edition, 100 copies.)
     You can pay through Pay Pal once I get that set up (I'll let you know when that's set up). Send me your address again and how many you want.
     Would it be all right to "split" the postage cost (in addition to the list price of the book)? It turned out to be more expensive than I assumed. (The postal service has done away with "Printed Matter" rate abroad.)

All the best,

     My friend, Ken Knight, warned me when I hired “Mo” that it would be “Marriage Without The Sex.” And so it’s proved, especially now that there’s a “divorce”!
     And, like a divorce, one has to process the experience, especially the bitterness and disappointment. I don’t have a partner like Mo has (Dave Reed). I have no doubt Mo’s really filled his ear about Ol’ Al and his misdeeds and all her complaints.  But who is my “ear”? I guess the universe, in the form of my blog. (And these journals I write.)
     I apologize if it’s been tedious. I’ve taken comments from my Cat’s Journal and my “Criminal Journal” as well as Another Publishing Journal  to place on my
     Mo separated from me, “divorced me” Friday April 5. Here it is 12 days later, less than 2 weeks, and I’m ready to move on. Not bad! So no mo Mo for your dilectation.

On a another happy note, my Art Department buddies have re-emerged.
In the 2011/2012 school year, Lee Walton and Sheryl Oring brought their art department students here to the bookshop to hold classes here to which I was welcome. But, in these past 8 months, they have completely disappeared. Even though they invited me to give the COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS May, 2012–which was pretty exciting.
     Last week, Lee brought an interesting class and their project over for a session in the bookshop, first time in a year. And yesterday, Sheryl visited the bookshop and asked permission to bring her “Art and Politics” class over to the bookshop next week.  I get to be the co-teacher at these art class sessions.
     My style of teaching–and I do this with Spoma Jovanovich’s “Communications Class” too–is to put everyone in a circle of comfortable seats and begin with a “Check In.”
     “What’s a check-in?” I ask the group. We discuss the Woman’s Liberation contribution of the check-in. Then we check in! I get to know everyone’s name . . . And a little about each member of the class.

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