Saturday, April 27, 2013

Saturday, April 27, 2013
E-Mail to Daniel Levi Goans
Daniel and Lauren are in Nashville, on the first leg of a southeastern tour for their music.
Dear Daniel,
     Woke up at 7:00, as usual. Decided that today, for the first time in years, I would not charge up my computers and get to work. I'll read.
     Now it's an hour later, and I've already worked an hour and have plans for another two. Then I'm off to the Farmer's Market.
     The Yanceyville Street Farmer's Market is my favorite thing in Greensboro. Thousands of people, and I know so many of them. Fresh, local produce. Today, I'm after a crusty homemade bread, the unpasturized milk from a local farmer, and some flowers. (Bought a flower vase yesterday.)
     My new neighbor, Kristie, is driving me. She's never been to The Farmer's Market. She's after flower plants for her first garden, being built across the bookshop parking lot. (Kristie rents from Andrew The Bad.)
     I guess you guys have a "gig" it being Saturday? But, I remember, you said one of your gigs has been tragically cancelled! I'm so sorry.
     I made a special huge cold cup of coffee for Kristie. I bought 1,000 cold cups (and lids) made out of corn (clear plastic). I love those cold cups made out of corn. Got a "deal" . . . $88 for 1,000. Deal on lids . . . $58 for 1M. Free shipping, too. Eco-Co. in Boulder has "deals" every day. I bought 3 oz corn-clear-containers and lids in one of those deals: $20 for 100. I'm selling oranges in them and "Trail Mix." Can't wait for Lauren to set up "The Espresso Bar." Aren't we like kids playing Store?
Love you both,

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